Well that's part of the premise of my 2nd Cleo Tidwell paranormal mystery novel THE WEREDOG WHISPERER. The inspiration behind the flying saucer house in my book is this super cool spaceship house at Pensacola Beach, Florida. I grew up in Gulf Breeze, Florida--the town you drive through to get to Pensacola Beach--and have fond memories of that flying saucer house from childhood.
Last weekend I was home for a high school alumni marching band reunion in Gulf Breeze and thought I'd stop by the spaceship house and snap a few photos. My fictional town of Sugar Sand Beach, Florida is a composite of Pensacola Beach and Panama City Beach.
So like the Paul Bunyan statue found in Bangor, Maine and Stephen King's novel IT, I now have my own wacky landmark that's both in a novel and a real place. Check out the slideshow below for more real-life spaceship house photos, as well as Pensacola Beach! What a great place to grow up!