There! I've admitted it right here in front of God and the almighty internet. Which is probably a dumb idea since all the super villains will now know my secret identity. Yup, that's right. Meek, mild mannered paranormal author, Susan Abel Sullivan, is actually...Wacky Woman.
[pictured above: myself and the totally awesome Vicky Smith]
That's right, if there's a verbal faux pas to make, a banana peel to slip on or a catastrophe to be found, Wacky Woman will unerringly target in on any and all personal mishaps.
Just ask my Zumba Fitness class. They can tell you all about the weird, wacky sh*t that goes on in class, the latest involving Wonder Woman costumes, Star Wars light sabers, and cootie bugs from outer space. Aichihuahua!
And like many super heroes, I have two fabulous sidekicks: Memory Madam (Vicky Smith) and Femme Fatale (the fantabulous Audrey Tinkey {not pictured}) who help me fight the battle of the bulge and kick butt with me in Zumba class and at Zumbathons around the county.
And forget the dominatrix-like super hero costumes. We're practical ladies and eschew the 5-inch heels for Coach high tops, Nikes, and Zumba Fitness shoes. It's so much easier to kick butt and take names when your shoes are sensible.
So...Wacky Woman, Memory Madam, and Femme Fatale...dropping pounds as if they were ounces and maximizing oxygen uptake with ease and inspiring other wonderous women (and men) to take charge of their health and fitness and have fun getting into shape.
For more info on my (secret) identity, check out my other website: Susan Abel Sullivan Dance Fitness. www.sasdancefitness.weebly.com