The origin of the term "brown nosing" has GOT to come from dogs. If I didn't know better, I'd totally think it was inspired by my pit bull, Moxie.
Notice where brown-nosing-the-cats falls on Moxie's list of favorite things to do:
1. Eat wild animal poop in the backyard.
2. Eat cat poop from the litter boxes.
3. Lick the cats' butts, aka, brown nosing.
4. Lick Bo's junk (Bo is our other dog).
5. Tie: play with her tennis ball; swim in the pool.
6. Eat any food that isn't hers.
7. Eat actual dog food.
8. Sleep.
9. Play with Bo.
10. Get a back scratch and/or belly rub from her humans.
Here's the thing about the dogs brown nosing the cats . . . the cats LOVE it. They ASK for it. They writhe with pleasure, the little hedonists. And apparently the dogs get something out of it, too, although it may be an addiction like gambling where they keep hoping they'll hit the jackpot of golden poop popping out of a cat butt.
So now you know the (unofficial) origin of the term "brown nosing." Yes, thank you very much. I'm always happy to provide educational tidbits on this blog. Ha!