"A poo-poo platter?" I was immediately grossed out as I conjured up an image of a platter stacked with reeking dirty diapers.
What the hell?
The hubs and I had moved to Hawaii and were working for the Honolulu YMCA. I was the Physical Education Department Head of the Nuuanu Branch. Nuuanu = New-oo-on-oo, with the "oo" rhyming with new. Hawaiian pronunciation is a lot like Spanish--you sound out every vowel. The Hawaiian language has very few consonants so the five vowels get overused in the extreme.
And don't even try to pronounce a word like Kalanianiole. Your tongue will get seriously tangled and you'll have to go to the ER if you ever want to swallow again. There's a hilarious scene in the movie Honeymoon in Vegas where Nicolas Cage is in Hawaii and is trying to tell someone on the phone to go to a particular street that has four a's in a row rather than three. It's funny because it's so true!
So back to the platter of dirty diapers. Turns out a poo-poo platter is actually a puu-puu platter. Technically, it should be pronounced poo-oo poo-oo, but like many words that are used frequently, the syllables have been run together to make it sound like poo-poo. And a puu-puu platter is just the Hawaiian word for hors d'oeuvres.
Well that was a relief. Nice to know Hawaiians didn't eat crap--literally.
And speaking of Honeymoon in Vegas, check out this scene with Nicolas Cage and the Flying Elvises that served as inspiration for parts of my novel The Haunted Houswives of Allister. Alabama (paperback now on sale at Amazon.com).