I had the opportunity to stalk Stephen King back in 1999.
And by stalk, I really mean drive up to his house in Bangor, Maine, and take pictures. Of course, I had this total fantasy that King would just happen to step out on his front porch while I was snapping photos and invite me inside for cheese and crackers and I'd tell him that I was his "number one fan" (the most disturbing line in his novel, Misery). And of course, he get the joke and not call the police on me for being a psycho.
But alas, that didn't happen. The hubs made me get out of the car so that he could take a picture of me in front of the beautiful wrought-iron gate surrounding King's home, but once again, this was before digital cameras and smartphones were the rage, so I'll add this to my growing list of printed photos that I need to hunt up, scan, and upload.
While the hubs and I were in Bangor, we did visit several landmarks that show up in the town of Derry in King's book, IT, like the creepy water tower, the barrens, and the huge Paul Bunyan statue. We also drove over to the Bangor cemetery where a scene from the movie Pet Semetery was filmed. A trip to Bangor wouldn't be complete without a stop by the independent bookstore downtown. I don't remember the store's name, but they carried all things Stephen King.
All in all it was a fabulous adventure for someone who'd been a Stephen King fan ever since I first read Carrie in the 7th grade. The novel that really clinched the fandom deal for me, though, was Salem's Lot. Other teenaged girls saved up for clothes and shoes and jewelry and concert tickets. I saved up for Stephen King novels in hardback. Yes, I was, and still am, a total fangirl.