Bo finally came home from the hospital yesterday. The vet tech said she wished they could put zippers in all the dogs who eat weird stuff and then get obstructed so that the vet could just unzip their guts, reach in, and remove the offending item.
And ironically, Bo's stapled incision looks like a zipper.
He's doing pretty well considering he had one surgery to remove a foreign object from his stomach AND large intestine, and another to remove the drain inserted into his intestine during the first surgery. He's rather subdued, which is to be expected after having major surgery and being on pain meds. Hell, I felt pretty damn bad a week after my bilateral hip replacement surgery, so I can certainly empathize.
But he's happy to be back home with me, the hubs, and his canine pal, Moxie. Three of our five cats--Ernie, Sabrina, and Zoe--are also glad he's back. It's been a regular reunion around here at Casa Sullivan.
I want to thank everyone who has supported "Buy Books for Bo," from buying books to sharing the message through social media and good old fashioned conversation. If you haven't had a chance to yet, there's still time to tweet and share Bo's story on Facebook by posting a link to this blog or by joining the "Buy Books for Bo" event page on Facebook and "sharing" it on your profile.
If you're new to Bo's saga, check out my two previous posts.