I love toys.
There. I said it. And not just any toys, but stuffed animals. And when I find stuffed animals that inspire my writing, I'm even happier. Recently, I found the shark in the photo above at a local Thrift Store. And not only is it a stuffed animal, but a puppet. You can slip your hand inside the lower jaw and make the mouth move. Very JAWS. My husband is already tired of me singing the Jaws theme music and swimming my shark through the air at him. Yeah, I'm just so hilarious to be around.
So, why am I writing about sharks? Well, I'm not exactly. I'm writing about were-sharks. Yep, man or woman by day, shark by full moon night. Down on the Florida Gulf Coast. Why do wolves get to have all the "were" fun? Many cultures believe in shape shifters of all kinds. The native Hawaiians believed people could transform into sharks. So why not, ya know? It's fun to play with this idea.
The novel I'm in the process of revising at the moment is a sequel to my forthcoming The Haunted Housewives of Allister, Alabama. In keeping with my reality TV show title riff, the work in progress is named The Weredog Whisperer. And there is a weredog whisperer. And weredogs. And were-gators. And even a were-killer-whale. And don't forget the were-sharks. See, I told you it was fun.
Cue the theme music to Jaws.